峽谷微旅行!3~4月一泊三食輕奢露營趣! | 全台露營資訊
拉波波村|基隆市暖暖區東勢街221號|https://www.lapopo.com.tw/...此住宿方案為一泊三食(輕食下午茶、半自助式峽谷晚餐、半自助式早餐);餐點及活動供應如 ...
變頻冷暖氣機、除濕機、循環扇、無線網路The name of Lapopo is inspired by a beautiful village located at southern Franch which called Saint-Cirq-Lapopie (Village médiéval) ; Lapopo located at NuanDong valley of Keelung, only 30mins drive from Taipei city center. Surrounding by river and full of nature. The NuanDong valley trail is the beginning of DanLan ancient trail, there are many different routes could choice depends on your need ; trees and greens and river along the way and you can rest in our park after the trail.
At Lapopo, happiness means holding your kids and loved one, also means seating on our lawn with your friends, or even your lovely family.
Lapopo Camp Ground was the Scout Center of Keelung City, used to be a happy play ground that many people still remember till nowadays. Today, we dedicate in carry on those wonderful memory...
拉波波村 | 全台露營資訊
峽谷微旅行!3~4月一泊三食輕奢露營趣! | 全台露營資訊
基隆露營|拉波波村Glamping 輕奢露營 | 全台露營資訊
豪華露營推薦 | 全台露營資訊
拉波波村 | 全台露營資訊
輕奢露營推薦|基隆拉波波村:1泊3食 | 全台露營資訊
【北部露營推薦】基隆拉波波村一泊三食輕奢露營 | 全台露營資訊
【基隆暖暖】 拉波波村 | 全台露營資訊
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